Druskininkų meno rezidencija kviečia Lietuvos kompozitorius / garso menininkus / tarpdisciplininio meno kūrėjus teikti paraiškas „Hållnäs Konstkoloni“ rezidencijai Švedijoje.
Rezidencija truks dvi savaites, 2025 m. rugpjūčio 6–20 d. Rezidentui bus skiriamas nemokamas apgyvendinimas, 740 € dienpinigių suma, darbo erdvė studijoje bei kompensuojamos kelionės išlaidos (iki 350 €).
Hållnäs pusiasalis – tai įstabaus grožio vietovė, besidriekianti išilgai akmenuotos jūros pakrantės, su tyliais senais kaimais bei pėsčiųjų ir dviračių keliukais. Rezidencijoje labai tylu, jūra – vos 5 min. dviračiu nuo rezidencijos. Rezidentas gyvens jam vienam skirtame kambaryje svečių namelyje, taip pat turės asmeninę kūrybos studiją. Virtuvė ir vonios kambarys – bendras su kitais rezidentais. Nameliuose veikia kiek ribotas bevielis internetas. Svečias galės naudotis rezidencijos dviračiu.
Pirmąsias tris rezidencijos dienas reziduojantis menininkas dalyvaus „Dåtid/Nutid/All-tid“ („Buvęs, esamas, visas laikas“) projekte, inicijuotame švedų choreografo ir Butoh menininko SU-EN. Tris dienas trunkančio projekto metu bus siekiama sukurti gyvus praeities ir dabarties ryšius, skatinant menininkus interpretuoti kultūrinį vietos paveldą iš savo meninės perspektyvos. Integruojant muziką, šokį ir vizualiuosius metus istorinių objektų kontekste, siekiama praeitį paversti aktualesne šiuolaikinei visuomenei.
Pirmiosios dvi dienos bus skiriamos kūrybinėms dirbtuvėms kultūros centre, o trečiąją dieną įvyks vieši pasirodymai kasmetiniame vietos festivalyje.
Prisidėti prie šio projekto kompozitorius galės trejopai:
Atlikti anksčiau sukurtą kūrinį, tinkantį festivalio temai ir vietai;
Būti kolektyvinių kūrybinių dirbtuvių nariu, prisidedant prie tarpdisciplininių kūrinių kūrimo;
Vesti kūrybines dirbtuves vaikams ir jaunuoliams (kūrybinių dirbtuvių tema neprivalo tietis su projekto tema).
Likęs rezidencijos laikas skiriamas menininko asmeniniams kūrybiniams darbams plėtoti.
Dalyviai turi turėti aukštąjį muzikos išsilavinimą arba jam prilygstančios patirties.
Atrankos komisiją sudarys Hållnäs Konstkoloni bei DAR rezidencijos atstovai, SU-EN Butoh Company bei Hållnäs etinė kultūros paveldo organizacijos atstovai.
Norintys dalyvauti rezidencijoje kompozitoriai ir garso menininkai kviečiami teikti paraiškas vienu PDF dokumentu anglų kalba.
Paraiškoje turi būti:
- CV,
- kūrybos pavyzdžiai,
- būsimo projekto idėjos aprašas / eskizas,
The recordings of "Vocal Art Network" concert on "Youtube" platform
DAR presents the recordings of the resident artists' concert that took place on May 20 at the Church of the Virgin Mary in Druskininkai. The works are performed by the "Vocal Art Network" ensemble.
Program: Rupert Huber - "Nana" (2023, premiere); Andrius Šiurys - "ad dadatum" (2023, premiere); Mantvydas Leonas Pranulis - "My Dear Child" (2023, premiere); Robert Moran - "SOLENGA" (2023, premiere); Pauline Oliveros - "Teach Yourself to Fly" (1974); Christian Wolff - "Stones" (1968-71).
OPEN-CALL for a singer in "Vocal Art Network" ensemble
"Vocal Art Network", together with Druskininkai Artists' Residency (DAR), invites a professional singer (alto or tenor) to take part in the massterclasses, which take place in Druskininkai Resort on May 13-20. During the program, the participants are provided with accommodation in Druskininkai Composers' Guesthouse and a 250 euro honorarium. Email for appications (with a CV): [email protected]. The deadline for applications is 25th of April.
The photographer: T. Terekas.
Lithuanian Composers’ Union and New Vocal Music Collective Melos invites composers to apply for a residence in the Lithuanian resort town of Druskininkai
Two applicants will be selected. Each of them will receive a €400 one-time scholarship.
In addition to that, the successful candidates will receive free accommodation and workspace at the Druskininkai Artists' Residence.
AiR should take care of their travel costs and health insurance.
The residence will take place 20 June through 2 July, 2022.
Druskininkai - Hållnäs Art Residency exchange, Sweden, August 16-30, 2021
Lithuanian composers and sound artists are invited to apply for the Druskininkai - Hållnäs art residency exchange program in Sweden.
The duration of residency is 14 days, August 16-30, 2021.
International Arts Residence for young composers May 14–28, 2021
Lithuanian Composers’ Union in collaboration with the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, Master Program for Performance of Contemporary Music, invite young composers to apply for a spot at the International Arts Residence in the Lithuanian resort town of Druskininkai.
The 14-day event is scheduled for May 14–28, 2021. Successful applicants will each receive free accommodation in Druskininkai, a 300 euro allowance and up to 100 euro to cover travel costs.
Concert of DAR residents: Twenty Fingers Duo, Piotr Bednarczyk and Kristupas Bubnelis at SODAS 2123
Concert of DAR residents | 45 min.
August 29th, 6 P.M.
SODAS 2123, Vitebsko str. 23, Vilnius
Composer Piotr Bednarczyk (PL), Kristupas Bubnelis (UK/LT) together with string ensemble Twenty Fingers Duo (LT) will premiere their compositions created and rehearsed during art residency in Druskininkai, August 15 - 29.
Lithuanian Composers’ Union and a string ensemble Twenty Fingers Duo invites composers to apply for a residence in the Lithuanian resort town of Druskininkai
Two applicants will be selected. Each of them will receive a €400 one-time scholarship. In addition to that, the successful candidates will have their travel costs covered (up to €200) and receive free accommodation and workspace at the Druskininkai Artists' Residence. AiR should take care of their health insurance.
The residence will take place 15 through 29 August 2020. The two selected composers are expected to work individually during the first week, while during the following seven days they will rehearse together with the Twenty Fingers Duo. The concluding performance will take place in Cultural Centre Sodas 2123, in Vilnius.
Lithuanian composers and sound artists are invited to apply for the Druskininkai - Hållnäs art residency exchange program in Sweden.
The duration of residency is 14 days, September 1 - 14, 2020 (Hållnäs, Sweden); resident will receive a €400 one-time scholarship and covered travel expenses (up to €200). AiR will be given free accommodation for creative activities and living, as well as administrative and tutorial assistance, if wished for. AiR should take care of their health insurance. The AiR is expected to present his/her work in concert, artist talk or other suitable format at the end of the stay. The details of this can be discussed and will be confirmed closer to the residency. Composers and sound artists are invited to submit their ideas and project for the residency, before the 31st May.
Lithuanian composers and sound artists are invited to apply for the DAR- Hållnäs Konstkoloni residency exchange program in Sweden
The duration of residency is 14 days, September 1 - 14, 2019 (Hållnäs, Sweden); residents will receive a €400 one-time scholarship and covered travel expenses (up to €200). Composers and sound artists are invited to submit their ideas and project for the residency.
The AiR is expected to present their work in concert or other suitable format at the end of the stay. The details of this can be discussed and will be confirmed closer to the residency.
Lithuanian and foreign composers and sound artists are invited to apply for the Druskininkai Artists’ Residence in collaboration with Contemporary Music Ensemble Synaesthesis
The duration of residency is 14 days, July 25 – August 8, 2019 (DAR, Druskininkai); residents will receive a €400 one-time scholarship and covered travel expenses (up to €200). Composers and sound artists are invited to submit their works that have not yet been performed as well as ideas for new compositions for following instrumental arrangement:
violin, viola, flute, clarinet (in B, bass, contrabass), piano.